Thursday 30 July 2015

This post is a piece of WordPress Security arrangement. In the event that you think about your WP site, do take after the series!]

wp-config.php is the WordPress arrangement document. You may have seen this document in the base of your WordPress site (where wp-incorporates envelope lives). It accompanies WordPress center and is utilized to set up database association in the middle of MySQL and WordPRess. On the off chance that you need your site secure, you must ensure this document no matter what!

Two Ways to Secure wp-config.php File
Here are a couple of approaches to help you do only that.

Prologue to wp-config 

wp-config.php is obviously some piece of WordPress Core. Despite the fact that it comes named as wp-config-sample.php, however is later renamed while amid establishment. This is the record that sets up site's association with database. It is likely the most capable record, concerning WordPress. It holds a wide range of setup settings that worry the CMS being referred to. It is by means of wp-config.php:

You can fortify encryption by including security keys

You can change dialect of WordPress Dashboard

You can adjust default table prefix i.e. wp_

You can empower Multi-Site highlight

You can empower showcase of slips (if any!) on your site, which is for the most part disheartened. Why? Since blunders may empower programmers distinguish vulnerabilities.

Put it just: It is an extremely discriminating document.

On the off chance that bargained, your database association points of interest are uncovered. For a programmer, a wp-config.php is most straightforward to misuse. So you ought to doubtlessly take measures to ensure this record. In that exertion, here are a couple tips to help you secure this record.

Practices to secure wp-config

Moving the document past root

WordPress however as a matter of course searches for wp-config.php document in root index, yet in the event that it doesn't discover it there, it goes one registry past. You can use this system further bolstering your good fortune by moving wp-config.php one catalog past root registry. For instance, assume at this time your wp-config.php record's way is:

Though it would appear that a small change, yet unbelievably secures the record. If you move wp-config.php record one index past WordPress root, you're done, no settings obliged, you're finished! Be that as it may, on the off chance that you need to move the document to some place else other than past the root, you can use taking after piece in your wp-config.php:


/** Absolute way to the WordPress index. */

in the event that ( !defined('ABSPATH') )

define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/');

/** Location of your WordPress arrangement. */

require_once(ABSPATH . '../phpdocs/wp-config.php');

Simply make a point to adjust the way in like manner.

For a sound discourse about whether to move the document one index past or not, check this!

Deny access to wp-config through .htaccess 

.htaccess remains for hypertext access. It is a registry level arrangement record and is utilized normally on Apache Web Server. .htaccess is a standout amongst the most capable document in the matter of WordPress. Certain systems can be used to enhance WordPress inside of this document. Among numerous things, you can utilize .htaccess to secure wp-config.php record. How? Indeed, simply include the accompanying piece and it will deny said document's entrance to anybody surfing it:

<files wp-config.php>

request allow,deny

deny from all


It doesn't exist in the root as a matter of course however and gets made when you empower Pretty Permalinks. So on the off chance that you can't discover it in registry where wp-incorporates envelope exists, first check by un-concealing documents/organizers and in the event that regardless you are not able to find it, simply make it.

Note: Add previously stated piece exterior after labels: # END WordPress and # BEGIN WordPress. Why? Since anything put inside those labels get overwritten when WordPress upgrades/is overhauled.


There's nothing more to it. If you execute previously stated two ways, you're mostly done. Furthermore, as dependably security is kept up, not finished.


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